Monday, February 21, 2011

Last days in India

This is my last post from India. I hope to continue this blog once I get back and after I am over my jet lag. I hope you all continue to check in now and again.

These last 2 weeks in Bangalore have been busy visiting, eating, shopping, relaxing and eating again. We have had parties with the cousins, ben to art shows and the jewelry shops...again.

The weather has become extremely hot and humid for Maya and I.  Everyone here thinks it is pleasant! The summers here are unbearably hot. You can't even go outside at noontime- everyone just takes naps! That I could get us

Maya is helping me pack up and our flight leaves at 2 AM on Thursday. We have to be at the airport by 11;30 PM on Wed.

Here is a photo montage of some of the sights we have been seeing these last few weeks.(I will spare you all the pics of the many aunt,uncles and cousins we have spent time with)

Maya in her new Sari! She loves it.

We finally took a safari outside of Bangalore and saw Lions and Tigers and Bears!

This safari was in a  big bus with cages on the windows. Apparently last year they sed to let the windows open and 2 children who were trying to feed the wild tigers were dragged out of the bus and mauled! I was told this after the safari.

Here is the rare and elusive White Tiger, which was really special to see :

Tiger cubs were crossing the road as we drove up!

The Indian black bear, the nose seems to be shaped differently than our black bear.

This is a termite hill! I have seen them all over India, so are quite tall. After the termites are done with the house a snake will come an occupy it as it's home!

My mom and Maya  standing in front of  road named after Maya's great-great grandfather. He was an top advisor to the Maharaja of Mysore and well-known in his day.

My father the house where my dad grew up in Bangalore. It was also the place where Ghadhi's wife came  to visit and recognize Maya's great-great grandfather who was a freedom fighter. 

Nrityagram is a  residential school where dancers can live and learn Indian Classical Dance It is built in the form of a dance village,[The residential school offers training in Indian classical dance forms,  They train eight hours a day, six days a week for seven years, The Nrityagram Dance Ensemble performs across India,and abroad. They are leaving for a tip to the USA on Feb 25 and will performing across the USA until May. If you have a chance go see them. 
We were able to see a class as well as a practice session of the master dancers who will be traveling in the USA. They re really good.

It is such a peaceful and wonderful village to live in:

The Big Banyan Tree :It is the fourth largest Banyan tree in India and is over 400 years old. The tree is totally fenced and protected and maintained by the Government. The tree spreads over 3 acres!  It is also home to several monkeys. Now,the main trunk of the tree is separated from the rest of the large tree. Yet,the tree is growing by spreading its branches and lateral roots. 

All around Bangalore we have seen the Bird of Paradise in Full Bloom. 

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