Friday, February 18, 2011

Taj Mahal- finally!

The Taj Mahal is a mausoleum just outside of Delhi in the town of Agra. A mausoleum is a building that holds a burial tomb. It was built by the famous Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan in memory of his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. She was his favorite wife and this building shows his eternal love.

This is my second time seeing it and it is still breath taking as you walk up to the entrance gate.

First look:

Getting closer....

There it is:

The Taj is a  UNESCO World Heritage Site, as were many of the palaces and forts we visited on our trip. It is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It was built between 1632 and 1653 and thousands of artists and builders worked on the project.

Thousands and Thousands of people visit everyday. The security is very tight.

The white marble is used both inside and outside. The large dome is about 120 feet tall! The decorations are done with paint, precious stone inlays,carvings and mirrored tiles. The architecture,carvings and design are all influenced by Persian architecture.

No pictures re allowed inside the Taj Mahal and everyone has to wear shoe protectors or tke off their shoes.:

The garden surrounding the Taj is equally beautiful and set out in the typical Mogul square pattern. The garden is divided into 4 quarters and then each quarter is divided into sectioned flowerbeds. Here is a view from standing in front of the Taj:

Here are some close-ups of the minarets and stone inlay work:

The stones are all precious and semi precious stones

Maya and I playing in the doorways of the gates of the Taj:

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