Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Political Encounter

On Saturday, we decided to go to a spa retreat outside of bangalore called Angsana. They have destinations all over the world . It was to be nice way to really relax,get a massage,swim etc... Staying in the center of Bangalore has been a bit overwhelming.
Hearing noises 24/7 takes a bit of getting used too. The sounds of cars, animals, people, horns,vegetable vendors, sirens is more than any city in the USA. Maya especially can’t get over the stray dog concerts that start at about midnight!
Unfortunately, one of the political parties decided to stage a state wide “Bandh” (pronounced bung). This is a form of protest used by political activists. Mobs of people, primarily men, gathered at major arteries and stand across roads. The objective is to block any type of vehicle from continuing on its journey! The protest was in response to the prosecution of a Chief Minister who partook in land scams.
My uncle was driving myself, Maya, my mother and father to the spa. Once we left the city proper we were stopped for the first time by a huge mass of bodies. He tried to argue his way through, utilizing my father’s age as an excuse. He explained to them that my father needed to get home for food and medication. As the argument got heated, the crowd began to grow around the car. People were peering inside and getting too close for comfort. Maya, myself and my mom became very worried and after much pleading, my uncle gave up the argument and turned the car around. In hindsight it was quite humorous to see and 81 year old and  75 year old man try to argue their way through a mob!
We made our way on some cow paths and ended up on the other side of the protest only to encounter another one! This time we drove directly to some more cow paths!
We eventually made it to the spa, but not in a relaxed state. Maya was able to swim but the spa treatments were all booked up. We sat outside in the quiet, had a very nice late lunch and coffee. Unfortunately we couldn’t leave until late, since the protest was going on “til 6:00 PM. It was an organized protest.
On the way home,there were police in busloads clearing up the streets. On the television that night we heard of many areas that experienced violent incidents and stone pelting of vehicles!
It was definitely an experience.


  1. Yikes! I give you credit for trying to find the humor in it -- sounds scary. Glad all ended well.

    We missed you last night at John's party. Comedy Night was good, but not quite as funny as past couple of years. I guess its funnier having you belly-laughing next to me!

    Its been colder than a witch's t*t here and we're expecting another monster of a storm on Wed. so you picked a good time to travel.


  2. hey maya wow that sounds scary can you imagine a protest in new london? all is the same here bye katie.

    Hi Nina its Nancy - my God glad you are ok - now go and get that massage! Chelsea said comedy night was a huge success. We miss you.

  3. Hi Maya! That must have been crazy! It's so weird not having you here and having you be in such a different place so far away. It must be weird with the loud dogs and other noises at night. What an adventure! Abi

  4. Hey Maya and Nina,

    Sounds like an adventure! Maya I like your hair and outfit. Sorry you could not get into the spa. It's -10 here this morning so I think that you have better weather!

  5. Hi Nina and Maya, I am loving reading about your travels! I especially enjoy hearing about India's culture. How special that you and your Mom are sharing this experience. Keep the entries coming! Mrs. Theroux
